eepy cateepy cat
hi hi

Welcome to my Website!

People online know me as ALMv and this Is the first website I've ever created!

I've recently taken upon the challenge of building a small place in the vast confines of the net that I could call home (Like a stranded sailor's own little harbor) and you've reached it!

Learning the ropes of programming hasn't been easy so far... but I'm sure I'll make it!

Here I will share pieces of my life with friends and strangers alike. Videogames, internet culture, programming... All that I can think for and that holds a special place in my heart.

I'm still not sure how I'm going to organise this page but I'll figure it out eventually. Come back after a while to see what's changed!

And last but not least a big shoutout to sadgrl, I'm still trying to get a hold of this web creation thingy and the layout generator really helped to get the main page up and running!

under construction